Arrival in Leipzig

After a very short trip for our standards (just about 70Km, even if on a minor road) we arrived in Leipzig, where we parked the van (and ourselves!) in the historical Zoro ex-squatted place. As for most places here in germany, this one was originally squatted and it has been legalized later. The problem is, that after more than 10 years of being legalized, the property of the place has passed from the state to a private owner. Now the people who have projects in Zoro are trying to collect money to buy the place ! 

Anyway, in these first days here, the Zoro is pretty much deserted. This means a lot of space for us, as we are enjoying a whole sleeping room, kitchen and showers thought for bands. We didn't see much of the city yet, but for sure they have nice looking tramways here - and next to the Zorro there is one high-level vegetarian restaurants run by the Zorro people. It's a little expensive for our standards, but the food is incredibly good & healthy. Tonight (Thursday) we will probably go to one collective dinner or VoKu (popular cooking); here in leipzig there is at least one VoKu for every day of the week.